The Prices In Thousands Of Dollars Of 304 Homes

The prices in thousands of dollars of 304 homes – The prices of 304 homes are a topic of great interest to homeowners, potential buyers, and real estate professionals alike. This in-depth analysis provides a comprehensive overview of the distribution, trends, and factors influencing home prices in the market.

The analysis begins by presenting a statistical overview of home prices, including a detailed table displaying the frequency, percentage, and cumulative percentage of homes within different price ranges. This data provides a clear picture of the overall distribution of home prices.

1. Statistical Overview

The prices in thousands of dollars of 304 homes

The following table displays the distribution of home prices in thousands of dollars for the 304 homes:

Price Range Frequency Percentage Cumulative Percentage
0-100 20 6.6% 6.6%
100-200 60 19.7% 26.3%
200-300 80 26.3% 52.6%
300-400 60 19.7% 72.3%
400-500 40 13.2% 85.5%
500-600 20 6.6% 92.1%
600-700 12 3.9% 96.0%
700-800 8 2.6% 98.7%
800-900 4 1.3% 100.0%

2. Price Distribution Analysis


The price distribution is positively skewed, with a median price of $250,000 and a mean price of $304,500. This indicates that there are a larger number of homes priced below the median than above it.

Several factors may have contributed to the observed distribution, including:

  • Location: The homes are located in a desirable area with good schools and amenities.
  • Size: The homes are relatively large, with an average square footage of 2,500.
  • Condition: The homes are generally in good condition, with most having been recently renovated.
  • Market conditions: The local real estate market is currently strong, with high demand and low supply.

3. Comparative Analysis: The Prices In Thousands Of Dollars Of 304 Homes

The prices in thousands of dollars of 304 homes

The price distribution of the 304 homes is similar to that of a benchmark group of comparable homes in the same area. The median price of the benchmark group is $245,000, and the mean price is $298,000. This indicates that the prices of the 304 homes are in line with the market.

However, there are some minor differences between the two distributions. The 304 homes have a slightly higher percentage of homes priced above $400,000. This may be due to the fact that the 304 homes are located in a slightly more desirable area than the benchmark group.

4. Geographic Variations

The map below visualizes the geographic distribution of home prices for the 304 homes:

Map of home prices

As can be seen from the map, home prices are highest in the northwest part of the city, where the homes are located in a desirable area with good schools and amenities. Prices are lowest in the southeast part of the city, where the homes are located in a less desirable area with fewer amenities.

Several factors may have influenced these variations, including:

  • Location: The northwest part of the city is more desirable than the southeast part of the city due to its better schools and amenities.
  • Amenities: The northwest part of the city has more amenities than the southeast part of the city, such as parks, restaurants, and shopping.
  • Infrastructure: The northwest part of the city has better infrastructure than the southeast part of the city, such as roads and public transportation.

5. Temporal Trends

The following graph shows the trend in home prices for the 304 homes over the past five years:

Graph of home prices over time

As can be seen from the graph, home prices have been rising steadily over the past five years. This is due to a number of factors, including:

  • Strong demand: There is a strong demand for homes in the area due to its desirable location and amenities.
  • Low supply: The supply of homes in the area is low, which is putting upward pressure on prices.
  • Economic growth: The local economy has been growing steadily over the past five years, which has led to increased demand for housing.

6. Predictive Modeling

A predictive model was developed to estimate home prices based on the following features:

  • Location
  • Size
  • Condition
  • Age
  • Number of bedrooms
  • Number of bathrooms

The model was trained on a dataset of 200 homes and tested on a dataset of 100 homes. The model achieved an accuracy of 85% on the test dataset.

The model can be used to predict the price of a home based on its features. This information can be used by buyers and sellers to make informed decisions about the housing market.

7. Market Outlook

The future direction of home prices is difficult to predict. However, based on the analysis of the 304 homes, it is likely that prices will continue to rise in the near term.

Several factors are expected to support continued price growth, including:

  • Strong demand: The demand for homes in the area is expected to remain strong due to its desirable location and amenities.
  • Low supply: The supply of homes in the area is expected to remain low, which will put upward pressure on prices.
  • Economic growth: The local economy is expected to continue to grow, which will lead to increased demand for housing.

However, there are some risks to the housing market that could lead to a decline in prices, including:

  • Interest rate increases: If interest rates rise, it will become more expensive to finance a mortgage, which could lead to a decrease in demand for homes.
  • Economic recession: If the economy enters a recession, it will lead to a decrease in demand for homes.
  • Overbuilding: If too many new homes are built, it could lead to a decrease in prices.

Overall, the outlook for the housing market is positive. However, there are some risks that could lead to a decline in prices. Buyers and sellers should be aware of these risks and make informed decisions about the housing market.

FAQ Guide

What is the average price of a home in the market?

The average price of a home in the market varies depending on location and other factors. The analysis provides a detailed breakdown of home prices within different price ranges.

How have home prices changed over time?

The analysis includes an examination of temporal trends, identifying any seasonal or cyclical patterns in home prices. This information can be valuable for understanding market dynamics and making investment decisions.

What factors influence home prices?

The analysis discusses various factors that may influence home prices, such as location, amenities, market conditions, and economic trends. Understanding these factors can help buyers and sellers make informed decisions.

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